New Position with Do Good Campus, University of Maryland

As of September 2017, I am serving as Senior Consultant, Do Good Campus, at the Do Good Institute in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland. I engage faculty across disciplines in developing curriculums that integrate social innovation, civic engagement, service-learning, and philanthropy. I also provide consultation to the overall strategic development of the Do Good Campus. The Do Good Institute is a campus-wide hub for philanthropy, social innovation, nonprofit leadership, and research. It drives the development of the nation’s first Do Good Campus by creating opportunities to engage the entire student body in Do Good projects, courses, academic programs, and events. The goal is for all UMD students to graduate motivated and equipped to effectively and successfully do good in their careers, their communities, and the world. 


Service-Learning Workshops at Chinese University of Hong Kong


Service-Learning Essentials Enthusiastically Received