Speaking at University of Maryland Commencement
“The faculty development work you led [at the University of Maryland] helped me significantly in framing and shaping my course[s] and, later, research…. When I came to Elon, I started teaching service-learning and community-engaged courses immediately…. I now direct the first-year writing program here and have led groups of faculty interested in integrating community engagement into their classes at Elon. Look what you started!”
–Heather Lindenman, Associate Professor of English; Coordinator, First-Year Writing Program,
Elon University
“I can confirm from my conversations with colleagues that your Keynote, as well as the various workshops and meetings, have sparked lots of creative ideas and conversations across campus around community-engaged learning.”
–Nathaniel Farnor, Coordinator, Leadership and Civic Engagement, East Tennessee State University
“Barbara recently gave a webinar to us at Colby-Sawyer College on Community-Engaged Learning. I had known her for years and was therefore very appreciative that I was able to connect our faculty with her. I have been to several of her sessions over the years and I must say, she's only gotten better. The amount of information she packed into that webinar gave us a firm foundation on which we could continue to build our commitment to Community-Engaged Learning. She exceeded my already high expectations, and I heartily recommend that you make as much use of her services as you are able!”
–Dakin Burdick, Director, Teaching Enhancement Center, Colby-Sawyer College
"Thank you for all your amazing and important contributions to the field for such a long time. I have Service-Learning Essentials on my bookshelf, one of many things we often refer to from your work."
–Kyle Anderson, Associate Director, Kernodle Center for Civic Life, Elon University
"Thank you again for coming to our campus. I still hear folks mentioning your visit and the great discussions we had pre and post-visit."
–Kelly Bohrer, Executive Director, ETHOS Center, School of Engineering, University of Dayton
“This was an incredible day [Faculty Symposium on Diving Deep: Integrating Critical Reflection and Learning]! Thank you so much! I have received amazing comments from faculty about the day, and personally took away so much.”
–Dr. Susan Epstein Garcia, Professor, Music Theory and Composition, Miami-Dade College
“…we have adopted Service-Learning Essentials as our main text for our Faculty Fellows Seminar. We had previously had a set of articles and things, and we were pleased to find that nearly all them were included in the book, plus context, analysis, and recent developments in the field. So thank you!”
–Kate Figiel-Miller, Assistant Director of Service-Learning, Center for Community Service + Justice, Loyola University Maryland
“Dr. Barbara Jacoby presented two half-day workshops at Towson University around service-learning and what faculty need to know…. Dr. Jacoby’s knowledge and examples allowed our faculty to explore service-learning concepts and research on a new level.”
–Stephanie Easterday, Assistant Director of Community Engagement, Towson University
“Thank you so much for coming to HCC and presenting to our faculty and staff. The insights and information you shared on service learning and critical reflection made a great impact on all who attended. We hope to see you again soon.”
–Brittany Budden, Director, Center for Service Learning, Howard Community College
“Thanks so much for your graciousness and enthusiasm. I’ve been receiving positive feedback from faculty about both events and have many good ideas to consider as we move forward. I’m really happy with everything & appreciate your organization and thoughtfulness!”
–Dr. Susan Munkres, Director, Office of Community-University Partnerships and Service-Learning, University of Vermont
“Dr. Jacoby led a workshop on problem-based learning during the spring 2015 Faculty Forum at Florida Southern College.The workshop was well-received and spot-on…. I’ve now had the opportunity to work with Barbara on several faculty development initiatives, and each time I walk away even more impressed with the depth of her knowledge about engaged learning and her skill as a facilitator. The faculty at FSC brought different levels of experience to the topic; some were seasoned veterans when it came to problem-based learning, while others were just getting started. Barbara did an excellent job of making the topic meaningful and relevant for all of the participants. Her ability to do so is testimony not only to her expertise, but also to her genuine commitment to meeting faculty wherever they may be in their development and helping them grow as educators. I look forward to working with Barbara in the future.”
–Dr. Brad E. Hollingshead, Dean of Arts & Sciences, Florida Southern College
“I want to thank you again for your presentation at our Spring Faculty Forum.Your talk and enthusiasm provided me with some space to be creative with ideas on how to improve my programming assignments in a beginning Java class that I have taught for years. I had forgotten how much satisfaction comes with fresh thinking. After being a department chair and doing my best to encourage others, it was pure pleasure to be on the receiving end.”
–Dr. Kenneth D. Henderson, Jr., Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics, Florida Southern College
“It’s like a dream come true to have you, Dr. Jacoby, to be here in Taiwan and share all your knowledge and experiences with us. For us you’re the foremother of Service-Learning. I’m so inspired by your lecture and our conversation. It brought me to a new vision about what we can do to achieve civic engagement and social justice. Once again, thank you for all of your hard work and outstanding contributions.”
–Weiyun Kuo, Section Chief of Service-Learning, Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
“Barbara Jacoby is not only an expert in her field. She goes the extra mile to provide individually designed consultation to help faculty who are using service-learning for the first time and experienced faculty who are attempting to deepen their students’ learning and community impact.”
–Madeline Yates, Executive Director, Maryland-DC Campus Compact
“Serve DC – The Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism was pleased to consult with Barbara Jacoby for our evaluation and training needs. Barb created Serve DC’s high quality service-learning evaluation tools for our Learn and Serve Higher Education program. Barb went above and beyond in her efforts by taking the time to meet with Serve DC staff multiple times. She was always available for conference calls and she even met individually with each Serve DC subgrantee to discover their individual needs in evaluation. In the end, she led a training on how to effectively use the tools she has created for the subgrantees. Furthermore, Barb served as the lead facilitator for the 2010 Service-Learning Institute – a full day training focused on higher education service-learning. Feedback from participants was very positive and proved to Serve DC that Barb was the right choice as the expert facilitator. It was a wonderful experience working with Barb.”
–Kasmin C.E. Holt, Learn and Serve Program Officer
Serve DC – The Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism
“Barbara Jacoby, Ph.D. is a bountiful resource for all things service-learning and civic engagement in higher education. Need “how-to” help with courses or insights to help navigate the next stage of your program’s development? You will find Dr. Jacoby’s experience, connectedness and approachability unparalleled. A gifted communicator, Dr. Jacoby always seems to have the answer whether you are reading her books, participating in her webinars or hosting her at a faculty/staff retreat. Practitioners at all levels, faculty, staff, early career or seasoned administrators will benefit from Dr. Jacoby’s guidance.”
–Jo Anne Zarowny, College- wide Coordinator, Center for Community Involvement, Miami Dade College, Florida
“I watched your TEDxUMD talk…. It’s still relevant and full of impact. In fact, I watched it twice: the first time because I could relate to what you were talking about; the second time to take notes. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge. During what I believe was my quarter-life crisis, I paused life. I took a break from the salaried-8-to-5 routine of employment and just paused…. I came alive at 30. Still not sure what I want to do for the rest of my life (passion) but I know what I do not want to do. After sending this email, I’ll … write down my core values, why they matter and why it matters to know why.”
–Miriam M
“Excellent presentations on service-learning at the TCC [Tulsa Community College] McKeon Center for Creativity. I love this topic and your vast experience. Thanks for coming to Oklahoma.”
–Mark Tozzio, Adjunct Instructor, HealthCare Administration Degree an Continuing Education, Northeastern State University
“Dr. Barbara Jacoby conducted two workshops on service-learning and civic engagement at Barry University’s Second Annual Community Engagement Symposium in March 2015. Her workshop presentations were engaging, enjoyable, and enlightening. Workshop participants appreciated the breadth of her experience and the depth of her expertise. I will always appreciate the practical, innovative ideas Dr. Jacoby has to offer—and the compelling manner in which she offers them.”
–Dr. Glenn Bowen, Director, Center for Community Service Initiatives, Barry University
“Barbara Jacoby was a powerful addition to the 7th annual Week of Engagement at West Virginia University. The Center for Civic Engagement at WVU has used her book Civic Engagment in Higher Education as the foundation for our outreach and engagement programming. If there is any doubt about the impact of engagement and service-learning on your campus, it is highly recommended that you invest in the necessary steps to include Barbara in the conversation. Her expertise is invaluable and her enthusiasm for sharing her knowledge and skills will re-energize your team’s efforts. WVU eagerly anticipates our next opportunity to host her in the future.”
–Kristi D. Wood-Turner, Ed.D., Director, Center for Civic Engagement, West Virginia University
“Thank you, Dr. Jacoby, for your informative, engaging, and accomodating insights at the service-learning workshop at Averett University! We will continue to make the challenging, but worthwhile climb toward a successful service-learning initiative at our university and in our community!”
–Toni Gazda, Coordinator of Service-Learning, Averett University
“Dr. Jacoby provided our members with a unique perspective on service-learning and expanded their knowledge on the topic. Following her presentation, a higher percentage of attendees could distinguish between service and service-learning and felt they could facilitate meaningful discussion following their events.”
–Nicholas A. Estrada, Director of Leadership Development, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity
“Thank you for your work with the NASPA Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Conference. We’ve heard wonderful things about your keynote address, and it was clear how your welcoming presence became a catalyst for dialogue.”
–The CLDE Conference Committee
“It was a pleasure for me and my colleagues at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals to invite Dr. Barbra Jacoby for a workshop in Service-Learning. The two days were very informative, beneficial, and hands on with a lot of resources and training material. The workshop was an eye opening for us in the area of Service-Learning and it helped us a great deal in incorporating service-learning in the curriculum. I do recommend such a workshop for Faculty members who are interested in the subject and I look forward to work with Dr. Barbara in the future.”
–Dr. Salem Aldini, Assistant Dean
College of Applied and Supporting Studies for Skills Developmen King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
“Dr. Jacoby helped us take our campus service-learning initiatives to the next level through her insightful and energetic service-learning workshops for faculty and administrators. After attending Dr. Jacoby’s service-learning workshops, our faculty have become more successful with integrating service-learning into their classes. Our student organization leaders and advisors thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Jacoby’s activities and hands-on service-learning training for getting the most out of student group service projects.”
–Dr. John Garland, Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Counseling Program
College of Health Sciences
Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL
“Barbara, your energy, your knowledge, and your enthusiasm for service-learning were contagious. I myself learned much and reconsidered several of my current points of view, resulting in a renewed commitment that causes me and others to look forward to extending the ‘voice’ and presence of service-learning on this campus.”
–Dr. Pamela Gay, Chair, Standing Committee on Service-Learning
Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL
“At the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester, Dr. Jacoby led a faculty workshop on using critical reflection to enhance student learning. Our faculty were particularly focused on incorporating critical reflection into community-based learning projects. Dr. Jacoby offered a lively, interactive workshop that not only addressed a number of techniques to help students get the most out of critical reflection assignments, but also produced a deep conversation among faculty about the purposes of civic learning. Beyond her expertise in these areas, though, I was very impressed with how well she had prepared for the workshop. She came to campus with a good knowledge of major community-based learning initiatives that we had launched, and she has shown a genuine interest in our success by following up with us since the workshop. Her commitment to deepening students’ learning was evident throughout the day, and this clear commitment, I am sure, is why she connected so quickly and naturally with our faculty.”
–Brad E. Hollingshead, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Medaille College
“In April 2011, Barbara Jacoby designed and led a three-hour workshop for American University faculty across diverse disciplines. As the national expert on service-learning, her name commands great respect and the response was enormous–over 20 faculty members signed up. Barbara worked closely with me to shape the workshop’s design to meet the issues that our faculty are most concerned about. We went back and forth numerous times to ensure that it would be most beneficial and of practical use to the participants. The training was a huge success. Participants were captivated by her experience, knowledge, and concrete examples, and engaged in a dialog about how to deepen their own practices. She is a wonderful colleague, very much willing to go the extra mile to provide support through sessions designed to meet our particular needs. Without hesitation, I highly recommend Barbara Jacoby.”
–Marcy Fink Campos, Director Center for Community Engagement & Service, American University, Washington, DC