Jacoby and Dewey Citation!
Since its publication in 2015, Service-Learning Essentials: Questions, Answers, and Lessons Learned continues to be warmly received by educators around the world. It serves as the text for numerous faculty learning communities. It is now available at a discounted price through Amazon, as are my other books. See my new Amazon Author page HERE.
It’s great to see that researchers and scholars around the world are citing my books frequently in their work. What a thrill to see me cited with my hero, John Dewey, in an article about a service-learning course on victim advocacy: “Consistent with expectations set forth by Jacoby (1996) and Dewey (1938) [italics mine], she [the instructor] met one-on-one with several nonprofit leaders to ensure: (1) That students’ service to the organization would be meeting a genuine need of that organization; (2) that the work the students would perform for the organization would align with what she perceived her course learning objectives would be; and, (3) that there would be a reciprocal relationship between the students and the organizational members.”