UMaps Featured in Book and Article


Holland’s RIASEC Hexagon: A Paradigm for Life and Work Decisions, a new online book by Emily Bullock-Yowell and Robert C. Reardon, features UMaps and links to my article, “UMaps Still Help Students ‘Find Themselves.’” UMaps are a set of guides to opportunities at the University of Maryland organized according to John Holland’s person-environment theory. We created UMaps in the 1980s because information about the myriad options available on our large, decentralized campus was often hard for students to locate. Today’s students can be overwhelmed because there is too much information coming at them from too many sources. Can the concept of UMaps be adapted for today’s technology and today’s students? You can read about and view UMaps HERE. 


Webinar: Conducting and Supporting the Scholarship of Service-Learning


Civic Engagement Strategy Session: Volunteering, Direct Service, and Service-Learning